Saturday, January 3, 2009

A few different photo's

Long before I moved to Montana I used to a newspaper photographer. I also did weddings, families, senior portraits individuals, and outdoors. I really enjoyed working for the newspaper. I can still remember my ver first "Front Page" picture. I was a local parade, and I got the lead float driver to hoist me high in the front bucket of his tractor and got a great shot of the entire parade. I believe I still have a copy of it somewhere. I may not seem like such, but back then it was a big deal to get on the front cover of the newspaper. For one, you got a better price for your picture and you got a picture that everyone is going to see first . I got to go to all kinds of events like baseball, basketball and football games, county commissioners meeting, Mayors events and everywhere else someone wanted a photo for the paper.
Then I started getting friends who wanted me to photograph their families and people who saw me at balls games wanted to get get pictures of their kids playing in their games. When a friend asked me to photograph her wedding things really took off. I didn't charge my friends alot and they referred me to alot of people. It seemed that after word got around I was taking all kinds of pictures, like families, reunions, anniversaries, and school pictures. I even had a lot of women wanting to get provocative/lingerie pictures taken to give to their husbands for wedding anniversary's gifts.
When I moved to Montana I got a wedding photography gigs, and even a few portraits, but I started just taking outdoor photographs. I have always kept some of all my photographs to show people my work and it helps alot.
Over the years I have become an "Award Winning" Photographer and even had a few published in nationally so all in all it has worked well for me.
These photo's are just a few of the different kinds I take besides all the outdoor ones you've seen here.

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